When the world is too full to talk, we need a way to let it out. Let’s support each other in using creative expression to support your resilience to neurodivergent burnout.

My Autistic Burnout: The World Too Full To Talk Origin Story
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My Autistic Burnout: The World Too Full To Talk Origin Story

I’ve always wanted to embrace the strengths of being autistic, but the world has made it hard. I’ve struggled with autistic burnout since adolescence. I’ve also used creative expression for my entire life as a joyful way to cope. This site is both a way for me to continue to recover and build a sustainable livelihood, and a way to share what I’ve learned with others who have the same struggles.

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art journal open on a white table with paints, pens , and other supplies around it.

Create Your Burnout Recovery Plan Course

Information, journaling prompts, and art activities will guide your unique autistic burnout recovery journey. Connection with other neurodivergent people will help you feel less alone. The course is included in World Too Full To Talk Membership.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

World Too Full To Talk Community

I’ve struggled for years to find sustainable ways for my highly sensitive body to thrive in this harsh, neurotypical world. I’m ready to share what I’ve learned and connect with others who have similar experiences. If you’re like me, information doesn’t sink in until you can apply it. Each educational resource I share comes with an activity or a creative prompt you can use to put the ideas into action. If accountability support is something you need, you can check in with the community about your plans, and we’ll cheer you on!

Live Online Events

Live events are a chance to connect with other members and feel less alone. So far, our events are focused on setting aside time to play, renew, and recharge our burnt out batteries.

  • It can be hard to take time to create when your burned out. Having time set aside to create together will help you get started. Creative prompts and exercises can help you get into the flow when you aren't inspired.

  • Yes, let’s tell a story! If you enjoy playing pretend, this is the group for you.

  • Use this time for body doubling or a little company while you enjoy a special interest

  • Retreats, workshops, and more will be created! Members’ ideas and requests will shape future offerings. Some ideas I've had: mindfulness practice group, chronic illness support group, live panels or interviews...

I want this blog to remain free, but it is not without cost to create. From conception to publication, a blog post takes at least four hours. Your one time contribution allows World Too Full To Talk to do more for neurodivergent people through:

  • FREE quality content

  • continued affordable prices for community membership

  • support for neurodivergent creators, facilitators, and community builders through fair compensation

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