Parallel Play Date: Playing Inside of the Box

In the online neurodivergent support community, World Too Full to Talk, we reduce our neurodivergent burnout through creative expression. In this video, I’m giving you a taste of the creative parallel playgroups that we have by having a parallel play date with you. Parallel play is when you and whoever you're with are doing your own thing nearby each other. We need more than rest to recover from burnout. We also need to renew, and parallel play is a great way to do that. 

My plan is to share at least one parallel play date per month, so please like and subscribe if you want to see more. And if you're interested in attending a live parallel play group with other neurodivergent people, you’re welcome to join the community. Thanks for joining me and have a great day!

It takes many hours to create each blog post or video. If you want to support World Too Full To Talk without becoming a member, please make a one time donation to support the creation of more quality content. Each person who shares a little extra helps support access for those who are unable to pay.


Burnout Basics: Reset, Renew, Do


Post-Election Support Options