One-on-One Coaching

You can use individual coaching to help you:

  • Explore and understand your neurodivergence - As an adult-diagnosed autistic, I have been down this road before. The information available can be overwhelming, and many of us feel imposter syndrome when we are beginning to explore. Formal assessments are difficult and expensive to get. If the assessor is not aware of updated information or inexperienced with diagnosing adults, you may feel even more confused afterward. I can help you:

    • make your decision about whether to seek formal assessment and know what to expect from the process

    • engage in self-discovery and feel more confident with self identification as neurodivergent

  • Navigate burnout recovery - When you’re executive dysfunction is getting in the way, let me lend you mine. Whether you don’t know where to start or you’re having trouble following through, I can help with accountability or reassurance that you are doing enough.

  • Make your work work for you - Finding right livelihood has been one of my greatest challenges. As a result, I know a lot about what to think about and ways to explore your options. Whether you want to change careers, find a way to meet your neurodivergent needs in your current career, or explore self-employment, having a fresh mind to help opens up new ideas. Together, we can chart your course.